Primal Prowess No. 62620 | Dynamic Strength + Cardio Builder

Primal Prowess No. 62620 | Dynamic Strength + Cardio Builder

The perfect cardio blast mix in today’s Primal Prowess workout! We got a solid stretch for that upper back, got that good lovin’ in the core, and ended with some great inversions and back releases!

Vibey Feels / Playlist Feels: Airy, playful, creating space, upbeat, tempo

Focus Feels Like: Targeting low back love, low belly (always!) focusing on muscle stalls with movement.

Breathwork: We did some kundalini-inspired virility challenges playing with the root chakra and cannon breath!

Intensity: 4 out of 5 overall, 5 on cardio!

Moon cycle Pairing: For days when you’re feeling airy and free. Lots of energy and vitality. Ovulation and leading up to ovulation!

Metaphysical Intentional Vibes/Energetic Work in this class: Creating space to be graceful in your life. When you’re in that type-A, I-want-everything-to-fall-into-place (and life is anything but) — this is the perfect movement practice to inspire some fluid flexibility into your thinking, into your body. We really targeted the upper back / heart and throat chakra in creating space and releasing tension in this workout!

Total Duration: 1 hour, 2 minutes

To Access: $10 or pay what you can via VenMo ( Add us here: @RubyRiotCreatives and add the memo “Primal Prowess #62620 and your email address!“) and we’ll send you the access code! Download to your computer to watch anytime, or stream from here!

Primal Prowess #62620 Spotify At Home Workout Playlist