Burnout Be Damned: The Hit-By-The-Bus Theory for Punk Rock Entrepreneurs
This is an oldy by goodies; originally written in 2020; we’re bringing it back because there’s some great truths to this article for founders!
Burnout Be Damned: The Hit-By-The-Bus Theory for Punk Rock Entrepreneurs
On your one day off, should you clean your house, or stay in your PJs all day, look ratchet AF, shoot your bow and have a breakfast beer?
Sick of the hustle? Tired of sacrificing your soul for "success"? You're not alone. Welcome to the burnout club, where we ditch the productivity porn and embrace a rebelliously fulfilling life.
Forget cleaning your damn house on your one day off. We're talking PJs, breakfast beer, and maybe some archery practice – whatever fuels your renegade soul.
The secret to making kick-ass decisions? Ask yourself this: "If I got hit by a bus tomorrow, would I be stoked about how I spent today?"
It's a bit morbid, yeah, but this little question is your compass for ditching the "shoulds" and embracing what truly lights your fire. Forget five-year plans, we're all about living for TODAY.
Screw Obligation, Embrace the Chaos
The Hit-By-The-Bus theory is your ticket to flipping the bird at societal pressures and those nagging voices in your head. It's about ditching the guilt trips and doing what makes your heart sing.
“ If I were hit by a bus tomorrow, would I be pleased with how I spent my time, today?”
Real Talk: Messy House vs. Overworked Soul
Let's get real. You're exhausted from a 50-hour workweek, the house is a disaster, and your partner's dropping hints. Do you:
A: Cave to the pressure and spend your precious day off scrubbing toilets?
B: Wallow in guilt while binge-watching Netflix and hating yourself for not cleaning?
C: Tell everyone to f*ck off, build a pillow fort, and devour a family-sized bag of chips?
If the bus hit tomorrow, which scenario would leave you with zero regrets?
Ditch the Productivity Bullsh*t
Life isn't a checklist. It's about embracing the mess, discovering what makes you tick, and unapologetically shining your weird, wonderful light on the world.
So, What Would You Do?
Imagine you knew it was your last day on Earth. Would you waste it on pointless tasks and people-pleasing? Or would you grab life by the horns and do something that truly matters to YOU?
The Hit-By-The-Bus theory is your punk rock guide to living a life that's bold, authentic, and absolutely unforgettable. Let's raise a glass to the rebels, the misfits, and the entrepreneurs who dare to live on their own terms.
“When you make a decision from the place of does it pass the hit-by-the-bus standards, you tap into that full, I-can-sleep-deep-and-through-the-night peace about how you choose to live your life.”
Life's not about checking off boxes on some soul-sucking to-do list. It's about finding what sets your heart on fire, what makes you want to scream "F*ck yeah!" from the rooftops. The Hit-By-The-Bus theory isn't some lame productivity hack. It's about injecting a shot of adrenaline into your life, embracing the messiness and chaos, and reminding you that pleasure and passion are just as important as profits.
Let's face it, life's a rollercoaster, not a checklist. If it went according to plan, we'd all be bored as hell. It's those unexpected detours, the gut punches, the "oh sh*t" moments that make us dig deep and discover our true grit.
Imagine this: You get one last day on Earth. Are you really gonna spend it hunched over a spreadsheet, pleasing everyone but yourself? Hell no! Ditch the office, order that mediocre chicken piccata, and savor every damn bite with your loved ones. Listen to the symphony of crickets, laugh until your sides hurt, and soak in the sunset with a glass (or bottle) of wine.
Don't let guilt and obligation dictate your life. Tell those toxic brunch buddies to go f*ck themselves. This is YOUR life, your time, and you deserve to spend it doing what makes your soul sing.
The Hit-By-The-Bus theory isn't about morbid obsession. It's a wake-up call to stop sleepwalking through life and start living it with the volume turned up to eleven.
“The Hit By The Bus Theory helps you cut through the chatter of your logical mind, and gets you in touch with your soul energy.”
If you knew today was your last f*cking day, would you give a damn about society's expectations? Hell no! The Hit-By-The-Bus theory isn't just about dodging a hypothetical bus, it's about ditching the "shoulds" and living for those wild, untamed desires that make life worth living.
Let's Talk Trash: The Messy House Showdown
Picture this: You're a badass entrepreneur, working your ass off, and your house looks like a bomb went off. It's Saturday, your one day of freedom, and you're faced with a choice:
Option A: Cave to the pressure, scrub toilets, and become a rage-filled monster.
Option B: Collapse on the couch, binge-watch crap TV, and drown in guilt and self-loathing.
Option C: Embrace the chaos, tell your partner you need a damn break, and lose yourself in a potato chip-fueled Netflix marathon.
If you knew today was your last, which option would you choose?
Option A: Martyr Mode
You clean like a maniac, resenting every second. Your partner's happy, but you're a ticking time bomb, ready to explode on anyone who crosses your path. Is this how you want to spend your final hours? As a bitter, resentful shell of yourself?
Option B: Guilt Trip Express
You wallow in self-pity, convincing yourself you're not good enough because you can't do it all. You binge-eat out of shame, hating yourself even more. Is this how you want to remember your last day? As a guilt-ridden mess?
Option C: The F*ck It Approach
You communicate your needs, prioritize rest, and give yourself permission to indulge. You choose joy over obligation, and you wake up the next day feeling refreshed and ready to tackle whatever life throws your way.
Which Ending Would You Choose?
The Hit-By-The-Bus theory isn't about being selfish. It's about self-preservation. It's about recognizing that your time is precious, and you deserve to spend it on things that matter to YOU.
So next time you're faced with a decision, ask yourself, "If this was my last day, would I be proud of this choice?"
Trust me, it's a game-changer.
About the Rebel Ringleader: Shelby Ring
Shelby Ring is the head honcho and story wrangler at Ruby Riot Creatives, an Austin, TX-based digital marketing crew that specializes in capturing the magic of brand narrative films and photos. Shelby's a champion for the underdog, a cheerleader for the rule-breakers, and a firm believer that every founder has a kick-ass story to tell. Catch her latest musings on the Ruby Riot Creatives blog or tune into her podcast, The Ruby Hour, for a dose of unfiltered truth and inspiration.