#1 Austin, TX Video Production Co + Brand Photographer

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Mormons, Canadians, + Rebuilding Your Life After Divorce - Wedding Photographer Lisa Staff | The Ruby Hour

Today’s this interview format episode we interview our forever girl crush, Lisa Staff, a Hilton Head-based photographer and co-founder of Sprout Connectors, a strategic media placement agency based out of Hilton Head Island.

From processing the unknown (and TERRIFYING) territory of going through a divorce, leaving the Mormon religion, recreating yourself as a 50-something-year-old bombshell, Lisa Staff spills the tea today. A Hilton Head Island-based photographer and gazelle-of-a-human, Lisa shares her inner world: being a “shameless” self-promoter, an ENFJ, and ways she's finding the beauty in the uncomfortable spaces in life and how to continue moving forward despite the vultures and naysayers from the past.

Mormons, Canadians, And Rebuilding Your Life After Divorce - Lisa Staff On The Ruby Hour

Two divorcés have a cup of tea…

Okay, this was a really unique conversation. Lisa and I both come from cult-like religious backgrounds and today, we’re discussing: 

  • Life “beyond the cult” — how to re-invent yourself after coming out of marriages (or long term relationships) in a highly oppressive culture.

  • How to face your fear and move forward in spite of the critics, naysayers, and negative Nancys in your life

    We’ve all got ‘em. The vultures from our former life in the church. Your aunt Kim that weighs in on everything you post on social media (and proceeds to tell all of your family how careless and frivolous your being.) That sister that loves to stir the pot (but heaven forbid she takes that kind of magnifying glass to her own personal life!) Your sorority sister Megan you barely talk to anymore but GOSH does she have a lot to say about the way you’re living your life… It’s these “keeping up with the Jones” characters’ opinions we often consciously or unconsciously keep us stuck offering something mediocre, when what you REALLY WANT TO DO (or say, or create) is beyond the social norms or “what’s acceptable” — in this episode we share some thoughts on how to continue moving forward and sharing your gifts and passion with the world IN SPITE of those negative or pre-programmed voices echoing through your mind.

I’ve known Lisa Staff for years from filming/photographing weddings together; she’s been a beacon of poise, style, and grace to me personally for as long as I can remember, and it’s such a treat to have this conversation with her in a space of transformation and reclaiming.

To follow (and be wildly entertained by) this 50-something-year-old creative bombshell, you can follow Lisa Staff over on IG at @LisaStaffPhoto https://www.instagram.com/lisastaffphoto or check out her amazing photography over on https://www.lisastaffphoto.com