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Primal Prowess Workout No. 61620 | Layering Strength Challenges, Testing Your Capacity, Facing Fear Of Failure

Today felt like LAYERING. Oh my gosh so much juicy, good LAYERING!

Holy smokes, I am so sore from this one!!

This class is all about playing with the limits and borders of your capacity! We move through cycling back through variations of targeted movements — layering on strength and stability challenges so we prevent strength plateauing, and knocked out a serious core series towards the end. Like whoa.

Vibey Feels / Playlist Feels: Heart opening, fierce, sacred, flowy, high-energy sultry, saucy, grounding (Check out the playlist below)

Focus Feels Like: l a y e r i n g, balancing sequences, balance challenges, and major oblique/low belly work, and serious glute conditioning, with some juicy hip stabilizer work (So crucial for releasing chronic low back pain! Fantastic if you sit/drive for long amounts of time through your week.) Of course I added some drumming sequence into this one as we’re still in such a time of uncertainty in society, so plenty of grounding and stillness practices to support such an energetic time.

Breathwork: We drop into feminine breath — a breath technique consciously focused on releasing tension in the jaw (which often correlates with the amount of tension we hold in our pelvic bowl) and rolling through receptive feminine exhales.

Metaphysical Intentional Vibes/Energetic Work in this class: Moving through fear of what people think, heart activation, moving anger, channeling anger, facing fear of failure

Woo-woo-ju-ju fun fact: Mercury in retrograde started today (if you’re into that kinda thing, or need an excuse as to why you don’t have your $#!t together at times, like me) There are currently six planets in retrograde right now (you can read more about here), so I don’t know about you but if you find yourself dealing with technology spazzing out on you, and old toxic characters popping up in your life right now in your relationships — this is a really supportive practice for you right now.

Mooncycle Pairing: This session pairs beautifully with if you’re carrying a LOT of emotion, feel very energetic, or VERY stagnant or stuck (mentally, emotionally, creatively) and your craving large movement. Great for PMS, Ovulation, Leading up to ovulation, or the tail end of your period.

Total Duration: 1 hour, 7 minutes

Primal Prowess Workout No. 61620 | June 16, 2020 Replay!

To Access: $10 or pay what you can via VenMo ( Add us here: @RubyRiotCreatives and add the memo “Primal Prowess #61620 and your email address!“) and we’ll send you the access code! Download to your computer to watch anytime, or stream from here!

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Primal Prowess Workout No. 61620 Playlist

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