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Primal Prowess No. 63020 | Emerging, Metamorphosis + Unearthing AKA Cicada Vibes

Primal Prowess No. 63020 | Emerging, Metamorphosis + Unearthing AKA Cicada Vibes

In this at home, no equipment needed workout we channeled our inner Cicada spirit animal vibes. This morning a giant cicada came pin-balling across my porch and landed at my feet. It lay there, stunned, beautiful, all of 7-8 seconds, before it came to and zinged off into the cosmos. I was so intrigued by this strange occurrence, I researched the power animal symbolism of cicada energy, and couldn’t find a more fitting depiction of this time of metamorphosis we’re all undergoing during this COVID-19 era. Today’s at home workout comes to you packed with the intention of transforming, unearthing, and burrowing like our sacred cicada friends into the gifts that are available in your life today.

Primal Prowess No. 63020 | Emerging, Metamorphosis + Unearthing AKA Cicada Vibes

The cicada meaning shows that summer is the time for you to be aware of your self-nourishment. Are you warming your heart and the hearts of your community with positive expression and passion?

Vibey Feels / Playlist Feels: Bright, transformative, etheric, airy, upbeat, dynamic, semi-sassy

Focus Feels Like: Expansive heart and solar plexus openers, core stability challenges (we do a couple no-hands options!), and some serious quad strength building sequences.

Breathwork: Strong breath!

Intensity: 4 out of 5 overall, definitely 5 on cardio and strength challenges!

Moon cycle Pairing: Awesome for days when you’re needing a serious state-change. If you’re feeling down in the dumps, disoriented or confused in your world — this workout will help you journey into yourself and find some grace to get through the uncertainty.

Metaphysical Intentional Vibes/Energetic Work in this class: Longevity, Rebirth, Metamorphosis, Reflection, Change, Development

Here’s a couple AWESOME excerpts about the cicada’s powerful spirit animal meaning and symbolism!

Cicadas as spirit guides aid in the development, recognition, and emergence of the self throughout the various phases of the life cycle.

They have a long and transformative life cycle themselves, which is why they are associated with the past and present, metamorphosis, reincarnation, and change. Their appearance and calling may come later in a person’s life, after a period of isolation and seclusion, just as this insect experiences in nature. (Could this not be any more relevant right now as we’re all emerging into this new COVID-19 era of life?!)

The cicada will stay underground from 2 to 17 years depending on the species.

Cicadas are active underground, tunneling and feeding, and not sleeping or hibernating as commonly thought. After the long 2 to 17 years, cicadas emerge from the ground as nymphs

So even though you may not be in the public eye, and your usual high-productivity self, know that the work you’re doing — seen and unseen is sacred and vital to feeding your external expressions in your work, relationships, and life.

After staying underground for much of its life, the cicada insect breaks free and loses its shell.

This serves as a direct calling to people who need to come out from hiding and break free of the restrictions that you put on yourself – “to shed your skin”. The Cicada symbolism shows a person’s ability to deeply reflect and be reborn as a new, better individual who can express him/herself honestly.

Rebirth, Resurrecting Beauty From Your Past, Channeling Your Own Voice: Symbolic Spiritual Meaning Of Cicadas

Often times, you may find it difficult to understand and be comfortable and honest with your true self. You may feel completely and utterly lost and do not know where to look. Ironically, the information and insight that individuals seek usually lies just below the surface anyway, guarded only by blockades that we’ve created for ourselves.

When the cicada animal totem emerges from its life underground, it symbolizes rebirth into a new life, but also places importance on examining what can and should be resurrected from the old life. Re-examining elements of the past does not necessarily need to hinder growth and progress in the future. If you can learn one thing from the past, that knowledge will prove useful in a positive re-emergence into the future.

Cicadas are strong communicators and inspire the same trait in people through their songs. They have a very distinct sound that is all their own, which symbolizes the need to channel your own voice and march to the beat of your own drum.

Because of this, you are enabled to behave and live in a style authentic to yourself.

You can attain the rewards of all of those desires, as long as you are patient with the cicada symbol’s teachings. While your own voice is of the utmost importance, the cicada also requires a balance of speaking and listening. Although they play their own individual songs, they do so in harmony with their community by listening to their surroundings and others around them.

The cicada symbol’s themes of communication and self-discovery also have solar connections. They are heat-lovers who expose themselves in the hot, summer months. The summer season and the radiant sun that accompanies it symbolize light, expression, and nourishment, all of which are things that you need to take care of yourself.

Without light, nothing can live and without expression, you cannot nourish your soul.

The cicada meaning shows that summer is the time for you to be aware of your self-nourishment. Are you warming your heart and the hearts of your community with positive expression and passion?

If not, it is time to reassess and illuminate yourself. You must let your own light grow inside of you before you can connect with those around you in the way that a community of cicadas join their individual songs in harmony.

Here’s the source of this awesome except if you want to check out more animals or more meaning!! https://www.sunsigns.org/cicada-animal-totem-symbolism-meanings/

The grasshopper locust is linked to astral travel, being able to leap to another reality where the real enigmas of life are. If the grasshopper-locust leaps into your life, then you are being asked to take a leap of faith, to do something without fear – this will generally be something that you have avoided doing and is often linked to a change in direction on a grander scale – be it a relationship, career or change in self. You will have the wisdom needed to get passed obstacles in an efficient manner. Generally outcomes will be favourable.

Grasshoppers are usually peaceful, however in times of overcrowding or food shortages, they turn into the much feared locusts who in the blink of an eye can strip a farm or forest. They turn almost black so as to take in more sunlight which fuels their swarming by giving extra heat and energy. They do this until they find somewhere with enough food, enough of them die/are killed to control the population.

Do others claim too much of your time and energy? Do they try and make you take responsibility for their actions?

Remember: the fruits of the earth are for all to enjoy and there is plenty for all if used in a sacred way. People sometimes forget this sacred balance and take more than needed – this may also be an indication of people taking from you. Do others claim too much of your time and energy? Do they try and make you take responsibility for their actions? Ask yourself these questions, remembering that the going only gets tough when we refuse change.

Total Duration: 1 hour, 1 minute

To Access: $10 or pay what you can via VenMo ( Add us here: @RubyRiotCreatives and add the memo “Primal Prowess #63020 and your email address!“) and we’ll send you the access code! Download to your computer to watch anytime, or stream from here!

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The Cicada | Primal Prowess #63020 Spotify At Home Workout Playlist

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